don't copy or take out anything in this blog with include the name of the author! don't copy or take out anything in this blog with include the name of the author! don't copy or take out anything in this blog with include the name of the author!

i dont know, sorry :(

saya tidak tau apa yang terjadi sama saya sekarang. lebih diam, tidak banyak bicara, cuek, kurang peduli sama orang lain. kayaknya kembali meka ke sifat ku yang dulu. saya tahu ini berpengaruh sekali untuk hubunganku dengan mahathir, tapi saya harus apa? JUJUR ini yang saya mau. saya mau diriku yang dulu tanpa harus dipaksakan menjadi seseorang atau menjadi seperti orang yang saya sendiri tidak bisa seperti itu. im fed up already! i want this! i want my previous atittude! 

saya dengan mahathir sama-sama keras. saya kasihan sama dia selama ini dia terus yang mengalah, berkorban, demi saya. sedangkan saya? saya cuma bisa marah kalau mauku tidak diikuti. im selfish and i admit it! susah bagi saya untuk berubah, susah sekali! 
sekarang sedang bermasalah, seakan saling menjauh satu sama lain. saya tidak tau siapa salaah. tapi sempat saya salahkan dia. belakangan ini dia sibuk, jarang sms ka. kalau dia free juga jarang smska. katanya takut mengganggu, hahaha lucu. saya sibuk apa kah selama ini? paling online. dan seharusnya dia tau mi kesukaanku. saya kalau online tidak bisa berhenti, apalagi kalau twitter? rasanya nda bisaka nda twitteran satu hari saja. lama saya balas sms nya minta maaf sekali ka soal ini. 

saya nda tau mi bagaimana ini hubungan. sekarang saja saya ragu apakah saya masih sayang sama dia atau tidak? masih cinta sama dia atau tidak? i have no idea about it! and 'till now, i wont talk with him, i dont know untill when. but, i will when im ready! im really sorry to you Mahathir :')

My Patronus

hello again! oh yeah merry xmas for those who celebrate it! God Bless U :)

i'll show you my Patronus. Fyi, Patronus is like a protective which no substance in the form of animals and made by spells. some of harry potter cast have. here is my patrionus :D

you can make your own patronus here , and these are the patronus of HP casts :

* Abeforth Dumbledore = goat
* Albus Dumbledore = phoenix
* Andros the Invicible = something huge (the only one who has patronus like that)
* Arthur Weasley = weasel
* Cho Chang = swan
* Dolores Umbridge = cat (same as mine -_-)
* Ernie Macmilan = boar
* Flavius Belby = something with horns
* Ginny Weaswly = horse
* Harry Potter = stag
* Hermione Granger = beaver
* James Potter = stag
* Kingsley Shacklebolt = lynx
* Lily Evans = doe
* Luna Lovegood = rabbit
* Minerva McGonagal = glasses cat
* Nympadora Tonks = werewolf
* Ron Weasley = Jack Russell Terrier
* Seamus Finnigan = fox
* Severus Snape = doe

that's all! bye~ *disapparate*

Happy Holiday!

hello everybody! how's it going? i just came home from school to take my learning result or we call it "rapor" . well, my scores aren't too bad, all exceed standard hihiw. i'd like to say happy holiday to all of you, enjoy your holiday fellas! :)

awesome girl, rilesta 

Potterhead ϟ

hi! see my last post was on november lol, sorry :D *sok ada readers*

ehm, this time, im gonna talk about "HARRY POTTER" yu know this movie right? ;) . i become very addicted to this movie since i watched again their las series "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2" yep! i tell you, actually i havent watched this yet -_- so i watched it and i know it's late~ but, for Pottermore (harry potter fans) never say Harry Potter END! HP forever will be exist!! ;). 

p.s : my house is SLYTHERIN!

ok that's all! byee! *disapparate*