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Lady Gaga - Yoü And I (Official Music Video)

i've been waiting for this video so long! and it's out . check this out!
you see monster?? mother mons†er do it perfectly! so awesome!! okay guyss enjoy the video and PUT YOUR PAWS UP! *RAWRRR lol =D

2nd month Anniversary MHTHRNY

today is my 2nd month annive with my adorable boy Mahathir♥ 
on 21th 2 months ago he confess his love to me and i accept his confession wkwk. it was a beautiful night !!

i just wanna say thank you to mahathir, thanks for keeping my heart , you make my world! you make me laugh, smile, sad, even i cry because of you. you are the best!! im sorry if you ever feel hurt because of me :'( im sorry for my bad attitude to you. i cant be perfect! but please stay here beside me, with me, we together untill my last breath :* i made this for you hahaha
you'll be mine forever, you'll always be a part of me & im a part of you indefinitely~ 



Happy Independence Day Indonesia♥



Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Hal-hal yang mengenai pemindahan kekuasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan
dengan cara seksama dan dalam tempo yang sesingkat-singkatnya.
Djakarta, 17/8/'05
Atas nama bangsa Indonesia.
dulu saya hapal teks proklamasi dalam bhs inggris dan sekarang (mungkin) masih hapal. kira2 bunyi-nya begini :


We, the Indonesian people hereby declare the independence of Indonesia. all matters concerning to the transfer of power etc. will be carried out correctly and in the shortest possible time.

Jakarta,17th August 1945

On behalf of the Indonesian people
 Soekarno – Hatta

 dan teks Pancasila dalam bahasa inggris, sesuai ingatanku kayaknya begini


1. belief in one supreme God
2. just and civilized humanity 
3. the unity of Indonesia
4. democracy led by the wisdom deliberation among representatives
6. social justice for the whole of the people of indonesia



from kid, i never bored to watch barbie ! untill now, i still love barbie, these are my favorite barbie series

Barbie and The Diamond Castle
Barbie and The Swam Lake ♥
Barbie and The 12 Dancing Princess ♥
Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus ♥
The Barbie Diaries ♥

why i love barbie? barbie has a beautiful face, the prince handsome wkwk and the story interesting ;). tells about friendship, family, adventure, and love (y)

im sorry :'(

Mahathir maafkan ka :'(((
saya yang salah, saya yang selalu buat hubungan ta tidak baik. saya mi yang pernah minta putus, saya mi yang abaikan sms mu, pokoknya hubungan ta nda baek pasti gara2 saya :'(. walaupun kau bilang ndapapa tapi saya tau hati mu sakit sekali saya kasi begini. nda baik ka memang buat kau. nda pernahka mengerti perasaan mu mahathir, terlalu sempurna ko buat saya :'(( . Maafkan kaa. minta maaf sekali ka :'(( apapun ku lakukan supaya kau maafkan ka.
kalo sekarang mau ko diami ka lagi terima jeka, diami mka sepuasmu . buruk sekali ka memang :'(. sekarang terserah mi kau mau apai ka .

Heello ? -_-

new social network!!! im interest (a little) but its similar with twitter. you wanna see just go here and listen mine, here ! thanks ;)

Auburn - Perfect Two

awalnya ini lagu di hpku biasa2ji karena nda sama sama apa yang saya rasakan haha tapi sekarang ku suka sekalo hehe thanks auburn for sing this song :))

lyric :
You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain
And I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
You can be the hero
And I can be your sidekick
You can be the tear That I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or u can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'

Don't know if I could ever be Without you
'Cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause you're the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

Verse 2
You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages
You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper
You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care as long as were together

Don't know if I could ever be
Without you 'cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

Verse 3
You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle

Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for u)
U take the both of us (of us)
And were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two(yeah, yeah)

My M♥

unmood pake bhs inggris. jadi ....logat mks saja hihihi

semuanya berawal dari kelas X.8! kelasku waktu kelas X. saya kenal dia dari sana. awalnya saya nda kenal orangnya yang mana, cuma tau nama saja haha dan pas tau orangnya biasa2 ji. karena kita nda pernah baku sapa. senyum saja nda pernah hahaa. pernah, dia smsan sama kiky, dia nda ada dikelas dan waktu itu saya lumayan dekat sama kiky ada vera juga . dia di RS (Ruang Seni) . dia smsan sama kiky tapi topiknya mereka berdua bodoh sekali!! dia salah2kan dirinya sendiri, vera bilang dia memang suka begitu. saya dalam hatiku "astagaaaa! adanya cowo kayak begini ckck -__-" ilfill mi ini ceritanya wkwk. hari itu juga, hpnya kiky lobet. dia mau pinjam casnya mahathir, tapi kiky takut pinjam haha jadi sya yng pinjamkan. saya sms mi. dan balasannya apa? "siapa ini?" saya jawab "riny" dia balas "ooh" ! deeeeeeehhhh segitu ji? tambah ilfil mekaa!! sejak itu saya sudah malas liat mukanya, saya nda suka sikapnya, danlainlain-danlainlain, dankayaknya rata2 teman dekatku tau mi kalau RINI LESTARI tidak suka sama orang yang namanya MAHATHIR M.A (namanya panjang jadi singkat saja haha) . 

sudah bilang nda suka padahal......... haha

gara2 fotonya dan winda di upload sama fitri, itu foto jadi bahan ejekan! "CIEEEE MAHATHIR SAMA WINDAAA" !! munafiknya saya, ikutka juga bilang2ngi padahal jelas2 ini HATI lain-lain! kayak orang cemburu   hahaahha . hari itu dia minta no ku, saya kasih ! ini hati di dalam senang sekaaaaaaaaaaaaaliii masyaAllah :D (lebay) . tapi saya nda minta no nya juga padahal mau, gengsi! haha siala!!! hari itu juga pertama kali smsan, saya tau bilang dia tapi saya cuek dan bukan saya yang balas smsnya tapi lisa haha dan dia mengaku kalau itu dia. yasudah, saya juga sudah tau. sejak hari itu suka mi send all dan biasa saya respon. tapi biasa2 ji. dan hari2 ku disekolah berjalan normal padahal ini hati tidak normal hahaha nda tau kenapa perasaanku bilang kalau dia juga suka saya. tapi memang sikapnya dia kesaya lain2 dan saya rasakan bagaimana dia sayang sama saya :)) . takut sok tau atau kepede-an perasaanku saya nda cerita ke siapa2. saya pendam rapat2 sendiri :)) dan.....

begadang sampai larut sekali sudah jadi kebiasaanku daridulu. pas malam itu dia online saya juga online haha senangnyaa :p. chatting meka ini sama dia, saya tanya2i dia sembarang nda dia juga nda bosan ji (yaiyalah, na suka ka pasti apapun dia lakukan :p) jam 12mi lewat masih chatting ka :p tbtb dia bertanya "ada pacarmu?" saya jawab "oh ndada :)" dalam hatiku "deeeh jangan2 ini mauka di dor!! (tembak) wkwk" Deh siala' terlalu PD ka kayaknya ini hahaha. pas sudah itu. cerita2 yang lain lagi, dan dia tanya lagi "ada mau saya tanya ko" saya "apa?"(dumba' ma ini :D) "mauko jadi pacarku?" WHATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!! ASTAGA MAHATHIR MENYET KE SAYAAA!!! (oke lebay sekali mi ini) saya" ih janganko main2 deh hahaha" padahal MAU SEKALI hahaha. "seriuska" dan saya jawab "bismillah, IYA!" AAAAAAAAAAAAA SUMPAH KAYAK TERBANGKA ! SENANG SEKALI KA! BAHAGIAAAA SEKALI!! :DDD!~!  and finallyy......

"tanggal 21 juni 2011, saya resmi melepas status 'single' yang 15 tahun saya pertahankan!"

setelah hari itu saya jalani hari2 ku sama mahathir, smsan, dia telpon (kadang), saya badmood, saya nangis gara2 dia mau pindah :'(, dia kasih ka nasehat, dia temanika, saya cerita apapun masalahku ke dia,  dan lain2! dan sampe sekarang saya masih bertanya-tanya "kenapa ada orang yang se-sayang ini ke saya?? memangnya apa yang ku buat selama ini kah? hahaaha" perasaanku biasa2 ja. nda eksis ja di sekolah, di kelas juga biasa2 ji. tapi ternyata ada orang yang sayang sekali sama saya. dan saya juga sayang sekali sama Mahathir, saya cinta sama mahathir, saya cuma mau M-A-H-A-T-H-I-R ! nda mau ka  yang lain :)). daridulu saya nda mau pacaran karena saya takut sama laki2-_- dan saya juga belum siap. tapi mahathir rebut hatiku dan saya nda bisa ambil kembali haha dan senang ka juga karena nda ada niatku sama sekali mau ambil kembali hatiku dan saya juga nda mau kasi kembali hatinya! niatku cuma satu "HIDUP BAHAGIA SAMA MAHATHIR :'). SELAMANYA!!!!" (amin) 

"makasih mahathir sudah mau terima ka, sudah mau sayang&cinta sama saya, sudah mau temani ka selama ini, bahagia ka sama kta sayang, nda mau ka pisah, janganki tinggalkan ka :). ku sayang sekali ki :* :* :* ♥♥♥"


-riny lestari :)

happy friendship day♥


Happy Friendship Day my BestF♥ whether in my real life or on maya-world :
WINDA (my twins wkwk), LISA, KIKY, VERA, KHUSNUL, FIRDA, RIFQA, HIKMAH, TIWI (i miss you tiwi T_T )NATALIA, ANGEL, CYNTHIA, KAI, etc. thanks for being exist


haha ini foto waktu SMP wihihiihihi kita masih ber4. kangenka :((
me & Rifqa :')

rifqa & hikmah


haha siala' kau rifqa kau kasih begini muka ku hahaha
 rindu ku sama ini semua. rinduka setiap kerja kelompok dirumahnya rifqa dan pasti kita ke MTOS haha. rinduka kalau bosan nda ada dikerja kita ke rumahnya hikmah dari pulang sekolah sampai sore, rinduka semuanya yang kita lakukan dulu :'((

EX- X.8

 awalnya ini husnul nda mau ikut foto wkwk
aaaastagaaaaa bolong gigi ku :DDDDD
 meroong :PPP

habis kerja kelompok 

habis renang 

di kelas X-8

Proverbs (part 1)

provebs can make your english sound natural ;)
  • you look familiar, but i cant place it where = kayaknya kenal tapi dimana ya?
  • never thought i'd see here = ngga nyangka ketemu disini
  • what brings you here/what a small world! = tumben kesini
  • tell 'em to hang on = suruh mereka nunggu
  • im all tied up with work = aku lagi sibuk kerja
  • i got a lot of things to do today = lagi sibuk
  • its no hurt to try = ngga ada salahnya nyoba
  • just lemmi know the problem = kasih tau apa masalahnya
  • the 1st step is to build up your confidence = kunci utamanya adalah memberanikan diri
  • to listen well & sound good is above all = yang penting bisa mendengar & berbicara dengan baik
  • the most important thing is to make a good conversation = yang penting bisa komunikasi dengan baik
  • welcome errors = jangan takut salah
  • dont beat around the bush = jangan bertele-tele
  • cats bite your tongue = kok diem aja sih?
  • give it a try = coba aja dulu
  • never go never know = ngga nyoba ngga akan bisa
  • never be ashamed = ngga usah malu
  • i was all thumbs too = dulu aku kaku
  • now i got used to = sekarang aku terbiasa
  • actions speak louders that words = coba dulu baru ngomong
  • sometimes i do monolog = kadang2 aku ngomong sendiri
  • sure nuthing is easy for beginners = ngga ada yang gampang bagi pemula
  • shut up or i'll kiss your ass = diam atau aku akan mengejarmu
  • im really fed up with them all = saya benar2 bosan dengan mereka 
  • stop over my dead body = langkahi dulu mayatku
  • up your fucking ass = terserah kamu saja
  • why do you give her in the eyes = kok mandangnya mesra banget 
  • something fishy right here = kayaknya ada yang mencurigakan 
okay that's all i'll give more later! ;)

My Girls♥

Everything was began from facebook! i know them from facebook, i close to them from facebook, and they became my bestfriend from facebook also! so thank you facebook :D

In my real life i ever had 4 best friend (from JHS) but now, we're SEPERATED!! but now i find 4 girls again ;) oke lets see who they are ;)


we knew each other from facebook. i used to become an admin of one of group on facebook and she as a member. since then, we become a friend :) and we share everything. i share my problem to her, and so did too. and it make us more closer and become bestfriend. she not only my close frriend, she also like my sister :). although we never meet each other & i dont know when we will meet? but i still love her like my real sister. i miss her so much, now she kinda buzy with her job & collage so, we lack of communication lately :( I MISS YOU NATAL :((


I know them aslo from facebook, same as natalia they are also member of the group. i know Angel first and then she introduced cynthia or we call her tya to me. im so happy to know them. our age are same and you know? we are very close like siblings ! they even called me by phone and it make me so shock! lol i dont know why maybe its because it was the 1st time we talk since we only communicate by facebook, twitter or texting. we can be so crazy if we meet (on facebook/twitter) i have so much fun if i with them. they make me laugh, they make me not alone, they support me and so do i :) i hope someday we can meet, I LOVE YOU ANGELA & CYNTHIA :)


same like another, i also know her by facebook. and she very like CN BLUE & MISS A wkwk. i give her nickname "UBUL(Ulat Bulu/caterpillar)" hahaha. she likes call me 'nyet!' if we chat so i decided to give her nickname. i ever give her nickname "Dandellion" also haha. She is so kind to me, we close aslo. same as natalia i assume as my sister :) . i ofter share my problem to her! I LOVE YOU MY UBUL :)

well, i hope we can meet each other someday and having fun together. dont leave me ya hehe i love you all :*

Rumah Bahasa on Vacation in Bali ☺

When i was in Pare, Kediri my camp has a such holiday program to bali those interested can join and me  with my friends certainly interested! who doesnt wanna go to bali??? hahahaha we went to bali by bus. we traveled for about 18 hours to got the harbor! we left pare at 9 and arrived at the harbor about 2 a.m -__on the way to harbor i was very very bored because the journey was very long! but it was not too long because Mahathir always with me haha we were texting along the journey :D. 

at the ship i felt so cold! although i wear jacket but still cold -_- and also i always wanna throw up :((( . we arrived in bali at 4 a.m and continue our trip! the first day in bali, the 1st place that we visited was Sanur Beach. but i didnt go there, me, Mia, and Narty was inside the bus haha we were so tired so we slept at the bus :D after that we breakfast and continue our trip. the 2nd trip we went to Pulau Penyu Tanjung Benoa at Nusa Dua 

after pulau penyu, we went to Dreamland 

as you can see the beautiful scenery of dreamland!! that is the most beautiful beach ever!! 
okaay the next was Krisna and Kuta beach. i but didnt take a picture because there was so crowded -_- i just walkin around kuta and eat at KFC and then we went to hotel.

On thhe 2nd day, the 1st destination was Sukawati Market, at there i bought some souvenir like T-shirt, necklace, glasses, bag, etc. 2nd place was Joger. at Joger, i bought 2 slippers. one for me and one for my friend. and the 3rd place we went to Tanah Lot 

sunset at Tanah Lot

And my vacation END!