don't copy or take out anything in this blog with include the name of the author! don't copy or take out anything in this blog with include the name of the author! don't copy or take out anything in this blog with include the name of the author!

The Owner :D


finally i make a blog :D
actually i dont know why i wanna make this blog, just for fun and maybe sometimes this blog gonna be my online-diary haha im gonna use english although im indonesian wkwk. im so sorry for my bad grammar hihi B).  

im Riny Lestari you can call me riny, im 15 years old now. going to 16 ;)! im 2nd grade of senior high school Social Program. social networking just like my obligation now, i love twittering, facebook-ing, and tumblr-ing(sometimes). and yeay of course i love my sweetheart Mahathir! i hope you can enjoy my messy blog haha 



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