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break up and come back

hello readers! long time no see wkwk do ya miss me? nahh? -__- i know you dont! okayyy im gonna tell you abt my love (again) hihi it's my saddest love story!! lets see

that day was monday, the 1st day of our mid-exam , we're textting each other since the morning, i asked him "dont you have to take ur cousin to her work place?" he replied "no, im going to school to study, i havent study yet" so i told him to met at school , i wanted to go to school too. i told him that i'll take a bath and go to school . he agreed.

i was finished to prepared all my things that needed, and i was ready to left my home. i felt happy that i'll met my boyF at school befor mid-exam started. we met at his class . as always we talked to each other, we did some jokes :') as long as we kidding i was happy, so happy! we laughed together. and suddenly, he did rude thing to me, he pulled my hand roughly , that time i was felt so annoyed to him! i was mad at that time but i told him that "im okay, no problem" but he left me at his class , i just wanna cry that time! HE LEAVE ME ALONE! shitt!! he know my love to him getting decrease and why did he do it to me! dont he think it can make my love disappear ? :'( so i decided to read my text book, i try to not care to him , i go out and we met at beside my class , he gave me "choki-choki" but i deny it. and he walked away to his class. i said to myself I DONT CARE! and again he left his class and text me "if you wanna leave me, it's up to you, i know im bad for you, bla..blaa...blaaa" i met him in front of my class and at glanced i heard he saying "leave me" , and then saying "i want to talk" i just say "oky, c'mon!" 

at his class , i told him "if you want me to leave you, i'll do it!" actually, i have some reasons why i said that! he said "so, you wanna leave me?" i said "YES!" he shocked! (i cant tell you everything) but that time we were BREAK UP ! when i wanted to left that room, he hold my hand strongly , HE DONT WANT TO BREAK UP ! but i want, the reasons are : i dont feel comfort with our dating style it's too over i think and my feeling doesnt as it used to be, it's descrease and almost disappear that's my i decided to end our relationship!

and at night, he call me , we talked on the phone and make all the things are clear! and finally, we 'come-back' he promised me that he will be the best guy for me, and bla bla blaaa~

i gave him 2nd chance , and also why i want to be her girlF again? i was think!! how can i get a guy like this if we're break up! will i can meet a guy like him? it's impossible!! yeah~ so we decided to make our relationship better than before and live happily ever after~
and ofc, "MHTHRNY" still exist ♥

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