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some slang \m/

kalau mau berbahasa inggris pake slang(gaya) amerika atau american slang harus tau kata-katanya, sama juga kayak yang pernah saya post disini, yaitu proverbs(peribahasa). oke let's see some slangs below:

boo-boo = mistake (kesalahan)
-> "If you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job"
bent = angry (marah)
-> "It's OK. Don't get so bent"
thick in head = stupid (bodoh)
->"He is thick in the head"
wheels = car
-> "If you let me borrow your wheels, I'll go out and buy a pizza"
airhead = orang bodoh
-> "He's such an airhead"
zero = nobody
-> "you're nodody around here"
at sixes and sevens = cunfused/dont know what to do
-> "im really at sixes and sevens"
all wet = completely wrong
-> "your idea about the tasks are all wet"
ace = very good
-> "she's an ace singer"
a little bird = a secret person
->"a little bird told me about that yesterday"
rocks! =  something, someone, or situation is great
-> -"my new math teacher rocks!"
hardcore = someone who is very committed/ something / situation that is extreme
-> "she's a hardcore lawyer"
sick = anggry/annoyed
-> "im sick of this homework"
bucks = american dollars
-> "can i borrow nine bucks?"
sweet = fantastoc/wonderful/great
-> "that new book is sweet!"
nuts = to be crazy / act foolishly
-> "you're going to kiss her in  public? are nuts?!"
bum = borrow
-> "can i bum a pen?"
freak out = nerveus
-> "im freaking out!"
what the heck! = express anger
->"what the heck! it's doesnt work!"
chill = relax
-> "stop freaking out! you need to chill out!"
stinks = dissaponting
-> "A: i lost my new phone, B: that stinks!"
as hell = very
-> "she's annoying as hell!"
nosey = too interested to someone's life
-> "dont be so nosey!"
pumped = feel excited
-> "im pumped for the concert tonight!"
pigg out = eat a lot
-> "i pigged out on satay yesterday"
around the corner = coming soon
-> "yeah! summer is aound the corner!"
i feel like shit = feel bad
-> "I feel like shit"
rusty = haven't done something in a long time so you aren’t as good as you were before
-> "I haven’t played piano in a long time, so i’m pretty rusty"

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